Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Business Agreement Letter Example

A business agreement letter is basically a formal agreement between two parties or person for the purpose of buying or lending money, subcontracting, renting, working, etc. There could be many reasons for writing letter of agreement. It depends on the need of writing letter of agreement. You may also get it notarized for legal purposes.

Mr. Stanley E. Rhodes

General Manager-Gilford Enterprises Pvt. Ltd

2821 Tyler Avenue

Miami, FL 33012

03 September, 2010


Dear, Mr. Rhodes

This agreement is made between Gilford Enterprises Pvt. Ltd and Boyer Marketing and Selling Pvt. Ltd on the date of 25th August, 2010 in Miami. Gilford Enterprises Pvt. Ltd has assign it all marketing and selling work to Boyer Marketing and Selling Pvt. Ltd for which necessary agreement has to make by the two companies. The agreement letter includes the purpose of the agreement and requirements of both the companies. It also states the terms and conditions on which the agreement has to be made by the two companies. In terms of providing services what amount should be charged by the company and how would be the payment structure is also to be mentioned in the agreement letter.

If both the companies accept terms and conditions mentioned in the letter of agreement then they sign a copy and proceed further.

Agreed and accepted

Yours Sincerely,

Louis J. Watson

Relation Manager-Boyer Marketing and Selling Pvt. Ltd

Greenville, SC 29607

Monday, 11 November 2013

Tips on Writing Recommendation Letters

Writing an effective letter of recommendation takes both time and some thought. Spend some time with the candidate you are writing for in order to discuss his or her goals and objectives. Below are some areas to consider when writing an effective recommendation letter.

1.  Suggested areas of information about the candidate to include in your recommendation:

2.  Avoid any comments referring to the candidate’s age, sex, disability, race, color, national origin, or religious belief.

3.  Be sure to keep a copy of this letter in your own files for future reference.

4.  Type your letter of recommendation on your letterhead and be sure to sign any forms where indicated.

5.  If you have any doubts about the candidate’s qualifications, we recommend that you discuss your reservations with the candidate. This will enable the candidate to gain valuable insight about him/her as well clearing up any misunderstandings. When the candidate understands your reservations, he/she will better be able to decide whether or not you should write a recommendation.

6.  In writing your recommendation, try to write the letter from the readers point of view. Please provide information and examples that support your statements so that the reader has some basis for making a decision.

7.  If you are unable to complete the recommendation in a timely manner it would be helpful to let the candidate know.

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Friday, 8 November 2013

Business Letter Writing Tips

One of the most important skills you need to learn as a budding entrepreneur is efficient business writing. It's a special category of writing that deals with the creation of business letters and other official correspondence. You may be thinking of all the creative essays and poetry you've written in the past and confidently assume you won't have any problems with business writing. However, creative writing and business writing are two very different types of writing.

In fact, many creative writers are surprised to find that will all their literary skills, they still have a lot of difficulty when it comes to business writing. To perfect the art of writing official business documents, there are certain skills and strategies you have to learn. Following are a few tips to help you get started.

Tips on Writing the Basic Business Letter

A basic business letter has the following parts.
  • The return address of the sender: This is given, basically, so that the reader knows where to send the reply of the letter.
  • Date of the letter: This is primarily for legitimate reasons. It is a proof that the letter was sent on a specific date.
  • Complete name, title and address of the recipient: For obvious reasons, the name of the recipient has to be written in full. Make sure you prefix it with the appropriate title as well. The address is written for sake of convenience, as well as, tradition.
  • Salutation: Just like any communication, a business letter also needs to begin with salutation.
  • The body of the letter: This part of the letter is the actual message that you are looking at conveying through the letter.
  • Closing: Just like you need to end a conversation appropriately, a letter needs to be closed properly as well.
  • Enclosures: Enclosure are basically attachments that one may have to send with the letter. This part of the letter is to inform the reader of the attachments, so that they make sure they peruse through them.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Best Tips for Better Letter Writing

 Following Some Best Tips for Better Letter Writing :-

Some writers prefer to use big, important-sounding words instead of short, simple words. This is a mistake; fancy language just frustrates the reader. Write in plain, ordinary English and your readers will love you for it.


Your readers want information — facts, figures, conclusions, and recommendations. Do not be content to say something is good, bad, fast, or slow when you can say how good, how bad, how fast, or how slow. Be specific whenever possible.


Long, unbroken blocks of text are stumbling blocks that intimidate and bore readers. Breaking up your writing into short sections and short paragraphs makes the text easier to read.

If your paragraphs are too long, go through them. Wherever a new thought starts, type a return and start a new paragraph. In the same way, short sentences are easier to grasp than long ones. A good guide for keeping sentence length under control is to write sentences that can be spoken aloud without losing your breath (do not take a deep breath before doing this test).


Drawings, graphs, and other visuals can reinforce your text. In fact, pictures often
communicate better than words; we remember 10 percent of what we read, but 30 percent of what we see.

In the days when letters were written on typewriters, the idea of using visuals was out of the question. Today, software makes it relatively easy to add a chart, table, or graph to your letter. Why not do so, if it helps get your point across in a clearer and more persuasive fashion?


Voice refers to the person speaking words or doing an action. An “active verb”
stresses the person doing the thing. A “passive verb” stresses the thing being done. In the active voice, action is expressed directly: “John performed the experiment.” In the passive voice, the action is indirect: “The experiment was performed by John.” When possible, use the active voice. Your writing will be more direct and vigorous; your sentences more concise.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Professional Business Letter Format

Business Letter Format

A professional business letter format has to be learned by students, those looking for jobs, as well those who are working. This is because at some point or the other in one's life, one needs to draft a standard business letter.

Senders Address
City, State, Zip Code
Senders Phone Number
Senders Email Address


Recipients Name
Recipients Title
Recipients Company
Recipients Address
City, State, Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

Body of standard business letter is to be short, simple and to the point. The purpose of the letter should be clearly written. The first paragraph of standard business letter should be written as an introduction as to why you are writing.

The second and third paragraph (if required) should be able to elaborate and provide more detailed information about your request or purpose of writing.

The last paragraph should repeat the reason of writing and this is where you thank the reader for reviewing your request.

Sincerely or Respectfully yours,

Handwritten Signature (for a mailed letter)
Typed Name

Friday, 4 October 2013

Thank you Note Tips for Children

Let's Write Thank-You Notes!

Sure, it sounds like a dream: your children running up to you and begging to write thank-you notes to their aunts, uncles, and Cousin Pete. It could be a reality—if you cut out the obligation and play up the gratitude. Explain the value and purpose of the notes: “Thank-you notes are a special way to tell Nanna & Grampa how much you liked their present.”

So focus on fun and honest sentiment. Get creative. Make what could be hours of boredom into an event they want to take part in—and in doing so take some of the burden off yourself.

General Tips

  • Explain that receiving thank-you notes makes people feel good. And it lets them know that the gift arrived safely and is appreciated.
  • The sooner the better! Get those notes written as soon as possible. But don’t be embarrassed by a note sent a bit late, even a month after the gift was received. It’s far better to send a late note than no note at all.
  • Spend a few minutes talking about the gift and what made it special: It’s a book you loved reading. You’ve already made three projects with the art kit. The toy is so much fun to play with you haven’t wanted to do anything else. You had a great time shopping with your friends and found the perfect sweater with the gift card.
  • Have fun, age appropriate materials on hand to get your child interested in the project: colorful notepaper, markers, fun pens, stickers and stamps.
  • If you have a camera, take a picture of your child and the gift. Include the photo with the thank-you note.
  • Again, remember to keep it fun! If you view this as drudgery, so will the kids.
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Saturday, 14 September 2013

Write Formal & Informal Letters & Notes

Letter writing ability is easily acquirable. Knowing how to write letters for all occasions is useful. Writing letters is not difficult. It is easy to learn how to write letters. This is on how to write formal letters, social letters, notes, what to say in private letter writing -writing personal letters.

Letter writing is joy to loved ones apart. Telephone calls are never enough. They like also to receive, write letters. Personal letters can be re-read. People in love write letters. Writing letters is dreamy. Boys who write letters are popular. Girls love receiving letters. Writing letters get one remembered when not together or telephoning. Family members away like to also to receive, write letters. Friends away like to receive, write letters.

One writing letters can take one's time to think of all the things that one can not remember when together or telephoning to say. In business writing letters clarify. Personal letters are keepsakes. Some things are said easier by writing letters, some better by not writing letters but notes. Writing letters are pleasing, effective. Notes can be nice. Here is how to write a letter, personal letters.

Letter writing, whether by post, fax, or e-mail falls into three categories. In each letter writing category the approach is different. How to write a letter depends on why one is writing a letter. Letter writing scares many people. Many don't know how to write a letter or note. The following all there is to writing letters.
  • Personal letters are often letters to family members, boyfriends or girlfriends, friends or pen friends -often friendly letters.
  • Semiformal letters are often routine letters to e.g., order or return goods, instruct on delivery, or to confirm or request information -acquaintances also sometimes write letters semi-formally.
  • Formal letters are often non-routine. Writing a letter formally implies officialdom -most seldom write letters formally.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

History of Letter Writing

Letter Writing History

A letter is a written message containing information from one party to another.The role of letters in communication has changed significantly since the nineteenth century. Historically, letters (in paper form) were the only reliable means of communication between two people in different locations. As communication technology has diversified, posted letters have become less important as a routine form of communication. For example, the development of the telegraph shortened the time taken to send a letter by transferring the letter as an electrical signal between distant points. 
At the telegraph office closest to the destination of the letter, the signal was transferred back into a hardcopy format and sent as a normal mail to the person's home. This allowed the normal speed of communication to be drastically shortened for large distances. The facsimile (fax) machine took this one step further: an entire letter could be completely transferred electrically from the sender's house to the receiver's house by means of the telephone network as an image. Today, the internet by means of email plays a large part in written communications.
Historically, letters exist from the time of ancient India, ancient Egypt and Sumer, through Rome, Greece and China, up to the present day. Letters make up several of the books of the Bible. Archives of correspondence, whether for personal, diplomatic, or business reasons, serve as primary sources for historians.